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CONNY Philosophy of Play

CONNY's primary purpose is to promote the game of lacrosse in a safe and sportsmanlike environment.  CONNY wants kids to grow up playing a game of speed, position, and finesse, rather than physical intimidation. The goal is to conduct all our activities in a manner that will set an example of good sportsmanship and friendly competition for our young players.

Becoming a CONNY Member

Please refer to the "Membership" Tab along the top of this website for information on becoming a member of CONNY.  CONNY membership is limited to town or regional programs only.  Individuals who would like to play for a CONNY-member team should contact directly the program in your town or area.  The list of member programs can be found under the "Membership" Tab.


Looking to participate in a sport that requires skill, fitness, strategic thinking and the desire to play as part of a team? Whichever level you play at, lacrosse can enhance your life by improving fitness and coordination.

Whether you are looking to participate casually or competitively, you'll find our organization to be a great place to learn new skills and meet new friends.

Tools of the trade